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Pope John Paul II

Once the truth is denied to human beings, it is pure illusion to try to set them free. Truth and freedom either go together hand in hand or together they perish in misery.

Vaclav Havel

Courage means going against majority opinion in the name of the truth.

Frank Martin

Asking whether a statement is “covered by freedom of expression”, means you have no clue what freedom means.

Get to Know Us

Welcome to The Liberty Lens, a podcast that takes a thoughtful look at free speech and how it shapes our changing world.

In this podcast, we explore the challenges and victories surrounding free expression in today’s society.

From landmark legal cases to the quiet bravery of people standing up for their beliefs, The Liberty Lens examines why free speech is essential to democracy, progress, and individual dignity.

Why listen?

Hear from thinkers, activists, and everyday individuals who are shaping the conversation around free speech.

Listen to compelling stories, including my personal journey—from fighting for my right to speak 

freely in an Austrian courtroom to advocating for freedom on an international stage.

Gain practical insights on navigating modern challenges like misinformation, censorship, ancancel culture, and learn
how to use your voice confidently and responsibly.

Truth Was My Crime

by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Publication date: September 2023

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a woman caught up in extraordinary times. She has been hectored, vilified, persecuted and prosecuted for the grave offense of telling the truth about Mohammed and his “marriage” to a very young child as related in Islamic sacred literature. Her case has exposed the grave danger to freedom of speech (and thus, freedom of thought itself) in Europe. She fought bravely in the legal arena through the Austrian courts and on to the European Court of Human Rights to defend her freedom (and by extension the rights of all Europeans), to freely voice her opinion. She lost.

In Europe, human rights are no longer thought to be intrinsic to the individual as a gift given by God, but are rather thought to be a gift of the state, which can be limited and revoked at will.

This is a dangerous development and it has already made its way to America.

It begins by relating her life’s odyssey, living in a number of Muslim countries even as a young child. Her father served in the Austrian diplomatic corps. She was living in Iran when the Islamic Revolution broke out. Later, she too followed the path of diplomatic service and gained extensive experience working in the Muslim world. She was living in Kuwait when Saddam Hussein invaded. Elisabeth knows whereof she speaks.


Her book serves as a warning call, because she believes that there are many Americans willing to preserves their God-given right to free speech and because there is still still enough freedom in America to fight for freedom.

Freedom of expression the basis for all freedom. There is no other freedom without it.

What makes us different?

We take a well-rounded approach, considering legal, cultural, and personal perspectives on free speech.

It’s not just about debates or politics—it’s about real conversations that promote understanding and action.

​ Whether you're passionate about free speech, curious about how it affects our world, or ready to stand up for what you believe in, The Liberty Lens  offers meaningful insights and a fresh perspective.



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Interviews and speeches

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: "I worry whether my daughter will come home safely from school"

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: "I worry whether my daughter will come home safely from school"

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Interview at CPAC 2020 with Elizabeth Wolff European pols know the EU will disintegrate on its own

Interview at CPAC 2020 with Elizabeth Wolff European pols know the EU will disintegrate on its own

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